Sick of fatigue, period problems, mood swings + hormonal imbalances?

Getting your hormones back on track has never been easier.

You've tried the diets.
Done the cleanses + detoxes.
Taken the supplements.
But something is still missing.

After years of working with clients, here's what's true: the biggest mistake women make trying to balance their hormones + get their energy back...
is that the foundation is still missing.
Want healthy hormones?


I get it.

you're overwhelmed with diets.

The Internet is HELLA confusing but the philosophy around here is let's ADD to your nutrition & give your hormones the fuel they truly need.

you just need a starting place.

You just want someone to give you ONE place to start to make your periods easier + predictable. (good thing you're here!)

... and it needs to be simple.

I'm busy, too! You need something that you can implement STAT without spending all day in the kitchen.  I gotchu.

These are just some of the epic things our clients have said about Mineral Magic...

So say hello to your first step toward...

Easier, more predictable periods + less PMS

Stable moods that don't keep everyone guessing

More energy + better sleep

Zero restriction

... and the easiest shift you'll ever make

Getting your foundation built can be so simple.

Bioavailable minerals that pack a punch - building up your foundation the way your body was designed to run

Create the foundation to stop running on stress hormones + build resiliency to stress

Easily implement my Mineral Magic formula with mineral-packed bevvies + eats



A potent + proven mini course designed to help you take the first step toward better periods + healthy hormones

What's Inside MM:

easily digestible lessons

9 short video lessons to help you implement the power of the Top 8 minerals for better periods + healthy hormones

action items

Actionable steps you take take NOW - without spending hours in the kitchen


Mineral-rich recipe + drink guide plus troubleshooting tips + FAQs

MM is perfect for you if...

You struggle with PMS, period pain, PCOS, fatigue and low energy, acne, hair loss, thyroid issues, hormonal imbalances, skin issues, brain fog, restless legs, sleep issues, + more.

You feel overwhelmed with dieting advice and want a simple plan of action toward healthy hormones - one backed by science

You want an actionable & sustainable place to start your hormone healing journey and the same first step I have all my clients implement asap.

ready to make some magic?

Let's do the thing!

Step inside Mineral Magic and get your mineral strategy in place. Balanced hormones, better energy, + more are waiting for you.